
Further dates in the series

15.08.24 - 21.08.24
Bruckner printed ( Laakirchen)
17.09.24 - 17.09.24
Print Bruckner ( Linz)
31.08.24 - 31.08.24
Women print Bruckner ( Laakirchen)
Do. 15.08.24
bis Mi. 21.08.24
Further dates

Bruckner gedruckt

The 7 artists who print Buckner in the workshop

7 artists print lithographs from stone thus creating their own personal reference to Anton Bruckner.

In contrast to earlier times - at the time of the inventor, Senefelder, in the 18th century when there were only male artists and printers - or even in Anton Bruckner's lifetime, printed matter was printed by men. Only later, as the only exception among the artists, Käthe Kolwitz became an artistic role model making a strong statement in her lithographs.
Today, female artists are in the majority, even in what Senefelder considered to be physically difficult, elaborate, old printing techniques, such as lithography.
This beautiful, special technique has not become obsolete without the digital simplification of the press.

During the symposiumyou can look over the artists' shoulders every day from 15 - 21 August 2024.

1st presentation of the symposium results:
31.08.2024 at 16:00
in Laakirchen in the papermaking museum (lower level)

2nd presentation Bruckner in print:
17.09.2024 at 19:00

A project by Renate Moran in cooperation with the Upper-Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024.

Renate Moran

Monika Breitenfellner

Mariam Chikava

Olga Djomina

Inga Hehn

Helene Huemer

Georgina Lovelady Krausz

Museum Square 1 4662 Laakirchen

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